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Tips for foreigners before exporting to Peru

Meta Description Unveiling the Opportunities in Peru's Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Exporters

Peru emerges as an attractive destination for foreign companies seeking to expand into Latin America. Its stable economy, characterized by macroeconomic strength and inflation nearing the range set by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (2.3%), its growing middle class, and strategic location in the region make it a market with great potential for export. Despite the "constant political noise," Peru maintains its appeal for foreign investors, thanks to economic growth projections ranging between 2.3% and 2.7% for the current period.

However, like any business venture, entering the Peruvian market requires careful research and planning. In this article, we will provide some essential tips for foreign exporters to successfully navigate the opportunities offered by Peru.

Discovering the Potential of the Peruvian Market

The Peruvian food sector presents a significant opportunity for foreign exporters. The country's rich culinary tradition and the population's growing taste for high-quality and diverse products open doors for the importation of processed foods, beverages, agricultural products, and other food-related items.

Major supermarket chains such as Wong, Metro, Plaza Vea, and Tottus dominate the retail food market in Peru. These chains offer a wide range of both domestic and international products and represent a crucial distribution channel for foreign exporters. Several international food and beverage brands already have a strong presence in Peru, but there is considerable space for new brands to enter the market and capture the attention of Peruvian consumers.

The Peruvian manufacturing industry, in constant growth, generates demand for modern and efficient machinery. Foreign exporters can find opportunities in areas such as construction machinery, textile machinery, agricultural machinery, and machinery for the food industry.

The Peruvian technology sector also experiences rapid growth, driven by the adoption of digital technologies in various industries. Foreign exporters can find opportunities in areas such as software, hardware, telecommunications, and fintech.

Other sectors with potential for foreign exporters in Peru include the textile sector, the chemical sector, and the pharmaceutical sector.

Key Points to Consider Before Exporting to Peru

But not everything is about figures and opportunities. As if your company wishes to do business with Peru, it must analyze the Peruvian market and understand the following key points:

Understanding Peruvian Society's Behaviors: Understanding the local idiosyncrasies when exporting to Peru and doing business, which, unlike Spain's transactional nature, is relational, and consequently, form matters as much as substance. For example, when doing business with Peruvians, it is important to use a low and not sharp tone of voice, in order to create a calm and positive atmosphere, to initiate a corporate approach.

Exporting to Peru Involves Understanding its Protocol and Paternalistic System: Protocol, along with understanding that decisions go through management, often through a paternalistic approach, means that initial contacts in areas of interest (public or private guilds), are aimed at higher positions. Thus, those who detect interest in this system will instruct their user areas to try and learn about the offer of goods or services being marketed.

Peru, a Country of Contacts for Business: Since Peru is a country that considers personal relationships and networks of contacts very important, it is essential that the entrepreneur considers having a Peruvian contact with an important commercial network at the destination.

The Importance of a Strategic Ally before Doing Business with Peru: It is very convenient for the entrepreneur who wants to start exporting to Peru to evaluate, during the market prospecting process, the figure of a potential strategic ally.

Business with Peru Requires a Timeframe of 1 to 2 Years: If the company decides to go to Peru urgently to expand its business, this is not the best market to achieve it in the short term. Peru is not Spain, here closing deals can take a time frame of between 10 and 24 months, so it is important that the entrepreneur reduces his commercial anxiety and develops greater affability with potential Peruvian business partners. It is important to consider that both countries speak the same language, but have different languages and ways of negotiating.

The Price Factor is Essential Before Exporting to Peru: The potential Peruvian buyer takes into account the price and quality of the product or service offered, with cost being a fundamental factor in closing the deal. Likewise, the opportunity offered, the guarantee, delivery times, after-sales service, and certifications that the product or service may have are also considered.

Consider that the Peruvian Buyer is a Great Negotiator: Never forget that the Peruvian buyer is a great negotiator, they will always bargain until the last moment and the negotiation will be ad-infinitum. Yes and no will be scarce, the constant will be: we'll see.

Trust and Traditional Tools to Close Deals: Do not forget to build trusting relationships with your Peruvian counterparts, without which business with Peru will not progress. You can also resort to traditionally used methods internationally to secure or close international trade operations, such as the use of letters of credit, warrants, bank transfers against delivery, and/or according to the contractual formula agreed by both parties.

Key Information about Importers and the Peruvian Market

In a dynamic market like Peru, making informed decisions is crucial to the success of your exportation. Understanding the commercial landscape in-depth, identifying potential opportunities, and comprehending market trends are essential steps to successfully navigate this territory. Accessing reliable and accurate data, such as those revealing the main importers of your product, the evolution of monthly purchases, and prices, becomes an invaluable asset for making solid strategic decisions.

As an expert in market analysis, I can help you obtain this crucial information. My comprehensive service provides you with detailed data on product imports in your sector, including:
  • Who the main importers of your product are.
  • How the volume of monthly purchases has evolved in recent years.
  • What the average market prices are.
With this information in your hands, you can make informed strategic decisions that will allow you to enter the Peruvian market successfully and achieve your export goals.

Are you ready to take the next step in your international expansion?

Contact me today at and let me be your ally on the road to success in the Peruvian market.



5 fuerzas de Porter,1,Acamar Aduanas,1,Acceso al Mercado,99,Acuerdos de Libre Comercio,2,Adrián José Navarro Loyo,9,Aduanas & Trámites Documentarios,112,África,23,África del Norte,10,África del Oeste,5,África del Sur,1,África en cifras,1,Agencia de Aduana,1,Agencia de Aduanas,1,Agencia de Carga,1,Agencias de Promoción de Inversiones,5,Agencias de promoción de las exportaciones,1,Agente Comercial,1,Agro,15,Agroexportación,1,Aguacates,2,Alemania,12,Alexander Rosado Serrano,5,Alimentos,1,América,94,América del Norte,34,América en cifras,9,Análisis y Opinión,278,Andrea Perunetti,6,Angel Amutio,5,Angélica Herrera,14,Angola,1,Anna Aleinikova,8,Antonio Paraiso,15,Arabia Saudita,9,Aranceles,1,Arbitraje Internacional,10,Argelia,6,Argentina,4,Arturo Muttoni Deambrosis,1,ASEAN,1,Asia,132,Asia Central,3,Asia en cifras,9,Asia Oriental,42,Australia,7,Bahréin,1,Balanza Comercial,1,Bancos,1,Barreras No Arancelarias,1,Bebés,1,Bélgica,1,Bielorrusia,1,Bill of Lading,1,Bolivia,3,Borja Medín Suárez,3,Brasil,11,Bruneí,1,Cadena de Abastecimiento,2,Cadena de suministro,1,Canadá,9,Carta de Crédito,5,Centroamérica y El Caribe,5,Cerámica utilitaria y decorativa,1,Cereales,1,Certificación Internacional,6,Chile,8,China,25,Cítricos,2,Cobranza Documentaría,1,Colombia,5,Comercio Electrónico,2,Comercio y Negocios Internacionales,258,Conciencia Cultural,37,Confecciones,1,Consultoría,34,Contenedor,2,Contenedores,2,Contenido Patrocinado,2,Contratación Internacional,79,Contratos con Intermediarios,12,Contratos de Compraventa,26,Controles de Comercio,1,Corea del Norte,1,Corea del Sur,5,corrupción,1,Crédito Comercial,2,Croacia,1,Daniel Manzano Mira,8,Daniel Yupanqui Carbajal,7,Darinel Herrera,31,Datatrade,1,Dátiles,1,Decoración del Hogar,2,Design Thinking,1,Diario del Exportador,288,Dinamarca,1,Dirección y Emprendimiento,115,Distribución Física Internacional,86,Distribuidor,2,Documento de Transporte,15,Documentos de Comercio Exterior,14,Dumping,2,Ecuador,3,Edgar Javier Fernandez Custodio,6,EFTA,2,Embajadas,1,Embajador,1,Emiratos Árabes Unidos,27,Emmanuel Guzmán A.,8,Empresas,3,Empresas Exportadoras,2,En cifras,31,ENLIGHTEN BIB,1,Entrevistas,10,Envase y Embalaje,31,Erick Paulet Monteagudo,9,Escenario Internacional,150,España,10,Especias,1,Estacionalidad,1,Estadísticas,50,Estados Unidos,19,Estonia,2,Estudios de Mercado,7,Europa,76,Europa Central,10,Europa del Este,9,Europa en cifras,11,Eventos Internacionales,67,Expatriados,5,Expertos,35,Exportación,449,Exportación de Servicios,2,Felipe Génova,6,Ferias,15,Fiestas Navideñas,1,Filipinas,4,Financiamiento,31,Finanzas Internacionales,156,Finlandia,1,Fiscalidad,1,Fiscalidad y Tributación Internacional,1,Formas de Pago,1,Formas y Medios de Pago,91,Forward,4,Francia,9,Francisco-Ramon Zúñiga,17,Fuentes de Información,42,Ghana,1,Globalización,1,grand slam,1,Gregorio Cristóbal Carle,22,Guatemala,2,Guinea Ecuatorial,1,Hablemos Exportador,10,Hernán Vitale,5,Herramientas para la Internacionalización,52,Hilados,2,Hilados de Lana o Pelo Fino,1,Historias,6,Hong Kong,2,Ilonka Acosta Coiscou,5,Importación,24,Importación & Gestión de Compras,35,Importaciones,31,Incoterms,135,Incoterms 2020,29,India,6,Índice de Percepción de la Corrupción,1,Indonesia,3,Infografías,34,Innovación,3,Instrumentos de Política Comercial,1,Integración Económica Internacional,4,Inteligencia Competitiva,2,Inteligencia de Mercados,181,Internacionalización,423,Internacionalización & Exportación,526,Inversión,1,Investigación de Mercados,81,Irlanda,1,Islandia,1,Italia,5,Japón,17,Javier Alfredo Belandria Sánchez,49,Jengibre,1,Jordania,2,José Dueñas,41,José Luis Valencia Montano,9,Jose Ramon Gonzalvez,11,Joyería,1,Joyería de plata,1,Juan Carlo Muñoz Fiore,8,Juan Rubén García,1,Kazajistán,1,Kuwait,1,Legislación del Comercio Internacional,121,Letonia,1,Liderazgo Estratégico,3,Lituania,1,Logística,7,Logística & Transporte,294,Lourdes Ortecho,11,Madera,1,Mailorth Loría Martínez,4,Malasia,5,Mandarinas,1,Mango,2,Manuel David Martín Rodríguez,14,Manuel Franco,15,Manufactura,3,Manufacturas,3,Maquila,1,Marca País,1,Marcelo Mortola,1,Marcos De Freitas,55,María del Carmen Montolio Bravo,3,Maria Isabel Osterloh Mejía,6,Mariceli Quiroz,2,Marketing,20,Marketing & Gestión Comercial,357,Marketing Digital,37,Marketing Mix,87,Marruecos,3,Mayron Wilbert Ponce De Leon Sierra,9,Medio Oriente,51,Medios de Pago,12,Mercados Emergentes,1,Mercancías Peligrosas,2,México,9,Micaela Tenaguillo,1,Modos de Entrada a los Mercados Internacionales,66,Monedas No Convertibles,1,Mozambique,1,Muebles,1,Muestras,1,Navidad,1,Negociación Internacional,108,Nicola Minervini,65,Nigeria,1,Nora Pérez Barrio,14,Normas de Origen,2,Noruega,2,Nueva Zelanda,3,Observatorio,11,Oceanía,11,Oceanía en cifras,1,OEA,2,Omán,3,Onboarding,1,Operadores de Comercio Exterior,14,Operadores Logísticos,27,Organizaciones Internacionales,5,Países Bajos,4,Países Bálticos,1,Países nórdicos,1,Palets,1,Panamá,3,Pañales para bebés,1,Paraguay,1,Paraísos Fiscales,1,Perú,11,Pitahaya,1,Plan de Negocios de Exportación,1,Plasticos,1,Polonia,2,Prácticas de negocio,165,Prendas de Vestir,3,Productos Orgánicos,1,Productos Pesqueros,2,Promoción,1,Propiedad Intelectual,21,Publicaciones,16,Publicidad,1,Qatar,4,Quinua,2,rafa nadal,1,Regímenes Aduaneros,33,Reino Unido,10,República Dominicana,1,Revista,10,Riesgos en el Comercio Internacional,4,Riesgos Geopolíticos,1,Roland Garros 2022,1,Ruben Bermudez,5,Rumania,1,Rusia,5,Sansiones,1,Segmentación,1,Seguros,3,Singapur,6,Sistema Armonizado,1,Soborno,1,Sostenibilidad,7,Speakers,34,Sudáfrica,1,Sudamérica,45,Sudeste Asíatico,26,Suecia,2,Suiza,2,Tailandia,5,Taiwán,1,Tendencias de Consumo,1,Textiles,7,Textiles para el Hogar,4,Tipo de cambio,1,Tipos de Carga,1,torneo de wimbledon,1,Trámites de Exportación,12,Trámites de Importación,17,Transparencia Internacional,2,Transporte,2,Transporte Aéreo,2,Transporte Internacional,121,Transporte Martítimo,4,Tratados de Libre Comercio,19,Tributación,1,Turquía,9,Unión Europea,53,Universidad,1,Uruguay,5,Uvas,2,Valor en aduanas,1,Venezuela,1,viajes,1,Viajes de negocios,2,víc,1,Víctor Mondragón,2178,Video,21,Vietnam,1,Walter Gudiño,1,Webs y Medios,40,wimbledon 2022,1,World Expos,1,Yorleny Jiménez Rojas,17,
DIARIO DEL EXPORTADOR: Tips for foreigners before exporting to Peru
Tips for foreigners before exporting to Peru
Meta Description Unveiling the Opportunities in Peru's Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Foreign Exporters
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